Monday, January 17, 2011

Partners in Parenting, Jan. 18, 2011

What is Age-Appropriate?
I am going to share something that I hope doesn't bring about any formal charges, arrests, or convictions! HAHA!  At nine years of age, my dad handed me the keys to the car and asked me to drive to town to get gas for him before the gas station closed.  Being an obedient son (yeah right), I headed for town 3 miles away taking all the back roads I could.  When I arrived, Dale (owner of the gas station and good friend of my dad) came to the window because it was a full-service station.  When I rolled down the window, Dale looked in, saw me, stood up, and said out loud, "Oh God.  Roll up the window."  He pumped the gas and walked away to put the amount owed on my dad's account.  I drove back home.  I was first excited to get to drive on the road, then scared that I'd get in an accident, and finally relieved to have made it home safely.
Many people might be angry with my dad, but here is the rest of the story.  I grew up in a rural farming community.  I had been driving tractors and other vehicles around the farm and occasionally on the road for a few years.  It was a normal way of life to be driving on the farm.  However, I agree that I was too young to be driving alone on a road.
As parents, we have to continually make decisions regarding when our child(ren) is old enough for an activity, movie, video game, cell phone, dating, freedom, decision making power, etc.   Age-appropriate shouldn't be left to chronological age alone.  Parents need to consider each child's developmental level of maturity in determining what is age-appropriate.  It's a difficult thing when parenting, but I'd always recommend erring on the side of caution in regards to whether your child is old enough yet.  They only get to be children once - let them enjoy the innocence of it.  I bet King Josiah lost lots of innocence as King of Israel at age 8!  "Josiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem thirty-one years."  2 Kings 22:1

Family Discussion Points!
Parents, share some things your parents wouldn't let you do when you were young.
Children, share one thing you wish you were old enough to do RIGHT NOW!  Is that good for you to do now or not?
Discuss as a family whether you think parents are mean or loving when they say, "You aren't old enough for that."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Outdoor Ed and Snow Day

If we have a snow day for Wednesday, we will postpone going to 7th grade outdoor ed until Thursday.  We will contact you with details should this become necessary due to a snowday!

In Christ,
Mr. Petzold

Coffee with the Principal Agenda, Jan 10, 2011

Coffee with the Principal
Trinity Lutheran Church, School, and Early Childhood Center
January 10, 2011

1.      Refreshments:  Susan Ide, ???????
2.  Devotion:     Things that go together / Things that DON'T go together
What are some things that go (Peanut butter and _______, mashed potatoes and ___________, etc.)
What are some things that don't (Plaids and ________, Lakers and ___________,etc.)
            Think of more ideas

Romans 3:28-30
            Why can't we get it straight that faith and observing the law (works) don't go together for salvation, but they do go together for daily living.
            57% of Christians believe Jesus is ________ to heaven!  (a, the only way, a possible way, one of many ways, part of how to get)  It's the correct answer, but that's not good that only 57% get it right.

3.       Prayers:
    1. That we would forever understand the one way to salvation
    2. That we would effectively guide our children as parents to know that one way IN THE HEART
    3. That we would be more ready to discern the messages of the world that are lies

4.                  Calendar
    1. 2nd quarter ends - January 14
    2. NO SCHOOL - January 17 MLK Day
    3. Open House - Feb 6-8 (Sunday - Tuesday)
    4. Pint Size
      Heroes Blood Drive
      - Feb 15
    5. Half Day of School - Feb 17, 18 PT Conferences
    6. NO SCHOOL - Feb 21-23 Mid-Winter Break
    7. Future Calendars - Common Calendar with Public and LHSA schools

5.                  Future plans / Vision
    1. Detention Policy
    2. Other School Handbook changes coming - a few examples
    3. After school clubs - see me if interested in offering something
    4. Bible Study from 8am-9am was mentioned before - The Case for Faith (Fridays???)
    5. CEF Stamp Program for kids' future - need 2 more volunteers
    6. Leader name change - contest for the kids
    7. Shurley English program might happen

6.                  Cold Days vs Snow Days
7.                  All students will be going to recess every day beginning Jan. 18th!!!!!!
8.                  Reenrollment Process
9.                  Marketing the school - you are critical

10.              Events:
    1. Christmas assembly and St. Nicolaus Tag did happen, and I think the kids had fun
    2. Book Fair is coming at the end of February - look for info
    3. National Lutheran Schools Week in March - plan to participate with us
    4. Evening Faculty vs students basketball game in March

11.              Assessment/Other
    1. School Satisfaction Survey results from last spring
    2. Prayer requests are welcome at any time to myself or a teacher - we are committed to praying for our students and families.
    3. New Scoreboard coming today
    4. New Wish List has been published

12.              Refreshments for the next Coffee with the Principal – Thursday, March 3, 2011
    1. ?
    2. ?
13.              SCRIP and/or CEF Program Questions
14.              Feedback/Comments/Concerns/Ideas etc.

15.              Closing Prayer
16.              Next meeting:
            12 Key Factors of engagement discussion
the only way

Partners in Parenting, Jan. 10, 2011

Enjoying the view!
I had one last chance to go bowhunting over Christmas break.  I carried a bow, but I really wouldn't have had to.  I didn't expect to get a deer or even see one.  I just wanted to get into the woods to see what I could on a cold, windy day with snow everywhere.  So, here's what I saw:  a mouse scurrying from branch to branch across the snow, over 20 places where deer had been laying down, a squirrel walk within 5 feet of me without knowing it, birds playing a game of chase at about 350 mph (that looked so fun), snow falling straight sideways out of the west - wait a minute!!!  You see, I got to observe all these things that could be seen with my eyes, but I also got to see the effects of things I couldn't see - like the wind.  The wind is invisible, yet powerful!  I could see the snow, but I couldn't see what made it fly parallel to the ground - the wind.  Yet it was there.  I could feel it.  The same is true for our lives as Christians.  We sometimes marvel at all the things we can see, but we neglect to even acknowledge the things we can't.  Things like faith, God, joy, peace, love, and the wind.  We see the impact those things have on people, but we don't always acknowledge them.  Talk to your kids about the unseen things that matter so much in life!  They all come from God!  "For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible..."  Colossians 1:16a

Family Discussion Points!
As a family discuss:
What are some things we can see that we really like?
What are things that exist, but we can not see?  Don't forget that unseen things (like wind) often have great impact on the world around us.
How is our faith in Jesus unseen?  How is it seen by others?  Are both important?
Let me know if you have any questions when discussing this with your children!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Students and Parents,

Don't forget that Basketball and Cheerleading uiforms are due on Wednesday, January 5th after school!!!


Mr. Petzold

Partners in Parenting, Jan. 3, 2011

Off the Path!
Well, it finally happened to me!  I was drinking a nice hot cup of coffee, without a lid on it, the day after Christmas on my way back to my in-law's house.  I had four more coffees for my family members in a carrier on the hump between the front seats of my truck.  The wind was howling, and I was driving about 35 mph due to the icy road conditions - just to be safe.  I was going east when suddenly - my truck continued going east, but I was facing directly north.  I was able to get myself facing east again, but I continued to spin until I was facing south (mind you - the truck is still traveling in an easterly direction).  I then saw the dreaded dry patch of pavement.  Would I roll the truck?  Would I spend my vacation in a hospital?  Then it happened so quickly!  I hit the dry pavement, shot to the south and skidded on top of the ditch full of snow in order to make it into a farmer's plowed field.  When I came to a stop, I thanked God that I was OK, took a drink of coffee, and laughed out loud to see the four cups of coffee in the carrier in the same place they had been all along - unbelievable!!  I had no damage to my truck, and my ego was soothed somewhat as 3 more people spun out there in the next half hour while I waited for a wrecker.  I had gotten off the path and into a potentially very dangerous situation.  Life can be like that for our kids.  They can be lead astray by people who tempt them to disregard the path of Scripture for the path of the culture.  It happens with movies, games, peer pressure, and all kinds of other things that people have created.  Proverbs 2:12-15 reminded me of the need to stay on the straight path of truth that Scripture provides instead of the path of evil that is all around us.  Share this idea of God's path vs. the Culture's path with your kids.
"Wisdom will save you from the ways of the wicked men, from men whose words are perverse, who leave the straight paths to walk in dark ways, who delight in doing wrong and rejoice in the perverseness of evil, whose paths are crooked and who are devious in their ways."  Proverbs 2:12-15  

Family Discussion Points!
Share stories of any accidents you've been in with your kids and what you could have done to avoid them.  (For instance, I wonder what would have happened if I had both hands on the wheel)
Talk about how movies can be good, but have some bad content in it.  Do you sometimes even forget to notice the bad content because you are used to it?  Is that OK?
God has given us His word to use to guide our life.  Is there a better guide?  Do you think love motivates God to give us a guide or something else?