Monday, April 27, 2015

Partners in Parenting

“Sharing is Important!”
Yesterday, my family went to meet some of our family members for lunch and an afternoon together.  Two of our relatives just got new puppies.  Abel is a yellow Lab.  Lela is a Golden Retriever.  Here is a picture of them playing with a stick one of them found.  They love to play with it together.  They really shared very nicely!

Now take a closer look at the picture.  In the upper left hand corner, you can see the end of my Chocolate Lab’s tail.  My dog didn’t care to share at all while the two young puppies just loved sharing.

Watching this reminded me of how kids can be so accepting and generous with their “stuff” while adults can be less likely to share the good things they have.  It is amazing that two puppies reminded me of the importance of sharing the good things we have in life.  “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”  Philippians 2:4

Family Discussion Points!
Talk about why sharing is so hard sometimes.
Do you think it is easier to share when you are younger or older?  Why?

Have your family look around you and see someone with whom you’d like to share something.  Then share with them!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Partners in Parenting

Partners in Parenting

“Against the Wind!”
I went for a bike ride yesterday afternoon.  I took the same path Jen and I usually take when we go for a bike ride.  We don’t go that often, but we typically do the same 14 mile trip.  We go 7 miles in one direction before turning around to come back home.  The wind was blowing so hard in my face during the first half of the trip that I actually considered turning around and going home.  My legs felt like they were on fire as I tried to maintain a steady, but rather slow, speed.  The ride quickly became a chore, and it was not even in the ballpark of something I’d consider to be fun.  I wanted the ride to be enjoyable, but it was not.  I wanted to go faster, but I could not.  I thought about turning back toward home, but I did not.  I just kept pedaling and ignoring the pain in my legs. 
Now, the return trip was a completely different experience.  I pedaled along just fine without any pain in my legs.  I settled in to a comfortable pace, and I was “flying” toward home with little effort.  I actually had to use my brakes to slow down on a few of the curves on the path.  It was a pleasant relief from the first half of the trip.
I thought about how life can be like that sometimes as well.  Days, months, etc. of life can be supper difficult and almost unbearable.  Days, months, etc. of life can also be fairly easy and enjoyable.  It is part of the ups and downs of regular life.  As I considered this, I was only thinking about my own life, but I later realized that it is true for our spouse and kids as well.  Everyone’s life can feel like everything happening is like riding a bike “against the wind.”  Our lives can also feel like everything happening is like riding with the wind at your back.  Both experiences are good in their own way, but maybe experiencing life “against the wind” can help us grow in faith more than experiencing life with the “wind at our back.”
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.”  James 1:2-3

PS. Did any of you parents read the title above and immediately think of the Bob Seger’s song??  If so, you are getting older --- just like meJ

Family Discussion Points!
Parents, share a story or two with your children about a hard time in your life.
Kids, share a subject, chore, or sport that is hard for you and feels like you are riding “against the wind.”

Talk about how hard times develop perseverance.  Is that a good thing to have??

Monday, April 13, 2015

Partners in Parenting

Partners in Parenting

Some of you may remember the television show “Unsolved Mysteries” from a few years back.  I don’t think it is on any longer, but I don’t know for sure.  I have one going on at my house!!! 
In the picture to the left, I have my mailbox post (brown) with some mulch around it.  The curved cement is the cul-de-sac.  The cement at the bottom of the picture is my driveway.  You can see grass on most of the lawn, but the corner of my lawn was driven on over and over all last summer.  Now, as soon as the snow melted, someone started driving over it again.  So, I decided to dump a whole bag of potting soil in the hole that was over a foot below the rest of the grass and four to six inches below the level of the cement.  I even staked the area with 3 green stakes to mark the space and let the grass seed I had planted grow without being disturbed.  I woke up Sunday morning to see one of the three stakes broken off and lying on the ground, a new hole formed, AND A TIRE TRACK LEADING AWAY!!! (see the dark cement on the cul-de-sac)  Yes, I’m yelling!!!  Holy smokes!! Who keeps doing this?  I’m so frustrated, and I can’t believe it keeps happening.  WHY?????  What part of “drive on the road” is someone unable to understand??!!  Seriously, this is hard to fathom.
As I put the stake back up and leveled the dirt again, I thought about how parenting can be a series of unsolved mysteries.  Mostly because all the mysteries aren’t worth the energy to solve:
Whose cup has been on the coffee table for 2 days?
Why are the kids’ socks always in a ball in the laundry? 
Who tracked mud through the house?
Why is the refrigerator door all sticky?

Unsolved mysteries can drive you crazy (like my driveway), or they can simply cause you to marvel.  Here is the mystery I hope always causes you to marvel:
“The angel said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.  He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.’”  Matthew 28:5-6a

Family Discussion Points!
Can you think of some unsolved mysteries from the past week?
Who in your family usually gets the blame for unsolved mysteries in your house?  Does the dog ever get blamed?
Is there joy in the mystery of the empty tomb?  Why??