Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Partners in Parenting

“This doesn’t make sense, but it is right!”

Yesterday, I did something very strange for only the 2nd time in my entire life.  It seemed weird to do, but I knew it had to be done!  I kind of felt wrong in doing it because it goes against everything I have been taught as an American.  I was a little sad before I did what I did, but during and afterward, I felt a strange kind of pride and reverence.  I remember the last time I did this, and I had the same kind of feelings.  I’m sure I’ll do this again someday.  I don’t think it will ever become just a normal event for me.  As I stood next to our small campfire in the backyard yesterday, I remember saying to myself, “This doesn’t make sense, but it is right!”  Having thought that, I went ahead and did what I knew I had to do.

Wondering what I did?  I placed an American flag in the fire to burn.  Our flag has flown outside except in extreme weather for the past two years.  This past winter really took a toll on it.  It was torn, tattered, and unworthy to fly outside our house any longer.  Why did I burn it?  Here’s what I found on the internet today, but I knew before that burning it was the right thing to do.

As a revered symbol of freedom and justice, the flag of the United States of America needs to be treated with the utmost respect. This respect extends to the flag's eventual retirement and destruction. The United States Flag Code (4 USC Sec 8 Para (k) Amended 7 July 1976) states: "The Flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem of display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning."

As I did this, I was reminded that God can be that way too.  His ways don’t always make sense, but His ways are right!  Like this:  “For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law.”  Romans 3:28

Family Discussion Points!

Play a fun game of “right or wrong” at the dinner table.  Give an action and have the kids guess if it is right or wrong.  (example:  You buy something and get too much change for your $10 bill, and you leave happy that you have extra money.)

Talk about how God doesn’t always make sense to us because He is God, and we are not.  Focus on how He decides to love everyone, even sinners.  Typically, you get punished for doing bad things, but God gives forgiveness to everyone who believes.

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