Friday, November 19, 2010

Coffee with the Principal Summary to Faculty and Parents


I wanted to put together a short summary of the discussion at yesterday's "Coffee with the Principal" meeting.  We had 25 - 30 people there in the morning (I forgot to count to give you an actual number) and another 10 in the afternoon.  I thought both meetings were great.

The opening devotion was from Genesis Chapter 1.  The account of creation shares that God said that what he had made was good after crating on days 1,3,4,5, and halfway through day 6.  There is no account of day 2 other than God saying that "it was so."  At the end of day 6, after creating man and woman and instructing them to work and be fruitful and multiply, God said it was "very good."  Human beings and their sexuality were created by God and deemed very good by Him.  Creation is a gift. Our body and our very life is a gift.  Sexuality is a gift.  And they all need to be understood as great gifts to value.  That framed the context of our entire conversation about how to implement a cohesive sex education program throughout the school.

Both the morning and afternoon groups seemed very favorable to a plan for sex education that places the parents as the first instructors with good materials before the teachers also go over the same materials in order to support parent's instruction and foster on-going communication with parents as issues related to sexuality arise.  We also talked starting as young as 3 year old preschool with appropriate materials about hand washing, keeping your body which is God's temple clean, and learning that you are unique and valuable.  I would work with the faculty to develop a comprehensive curriculum that would be used each May for instruction, but parents would receive materials ahead of time in order to review it all with their child ahead of time.  Parents present expressed an appreciation for this approach.

A stewardship and savings program for the students was discussed, and I hope we will get that program started in January.  The essence is that students would be able to begin a savings account through Church Extension Fund (CEF) that would provide CEF with money to loan to churches and schools while the kids earn interest on their investment.  The students would get a prize every time they invested, and we'd make it available once/week before school (so just come a few minutes early to make your investment).  I've done this at my previous schools, and I really try to teach students about saving, stewardship, and compounding interest.

We are planning a Christmastime assembly for the students, and we may need some parents to help with that.  You can contact me if you'd like to assist.

We talked briefly about dress code feedback and suggestions.  As I expected, we had thoughts of loosen it up, keep it the same, and tighten it up.  Good points were made by everyone, but nothing was decided or recommended for the future.  It was good for me to hear parent's thoughts though. 

I think that adequately summarizes things for everyone who couldn't make it (including faculty).  I appreciate the great and respectful communication that occurred!  Great job and thank you!!

In Christ,

Julian Petzold, Principal

Partners in Parenting, Nov. 15, 2010

Deer Day!
Today is the opening day of the Michigan firearm deer hunting season.  It is every year here in Michigan while other states around the country have opening day always fall on a Saturday.  I grew up in a small farming community, and November 15th was an automatic "No School" day.  I was talking with a good friend of mine who teaches in northern Michigan, and he informed me that on his school calendar November 15th still says, "No School - Deer Day."  This is a big day to many people here in Michigan, but don't we all have days that that we look forward to every year?  Days like Christmas, your birthday, Valentine's Day, your anniversary, etc. can be days to look forward to with anticipation.  It is helpful when they are consistently on the same day unlike Easter which fluctuates.  The Bible talks about Jesus' return to earth to take all believers home to eternity as a certainty, but without a specific date.  It's going to happen, but we don't know when.  We should look forward to this day with great anticipation accompanied with plenty of comfort knowing that on that day, we will be with Him forever.  Kids always look forward to special days.  Help them look forward to this special day with anticipation and comfort!

Family Discussion Points!
Have every member of the family share two of their favorite days of the year.
Have everyone share a day they don't like that appears on the calendar.
Consider what Jesus best day and worst day might be based upon Scripture.
Parents, talk about Jesus return some day to take all believers to heaven - this will be better than the best birthday party your kids can imagine!!

Coffee with the Principal Agenda

Sorry it's been awhile since I've posted anything.  I've not been here at the computer much this week at all.  Here is the agenda from yesterday.  I'll be sending a little summary of the discussion as well.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Coffee with the Principal
Trinity Lutheran Church, School, and Early Childhood Center
November 18, 2010

1.      Refreshments:  Katha Huff, Ruth Isenhoff
2.  Devotion:     Very Good!
What are some of your favorite things in all creation?
What do you think are some of God's favorite things in His creation
Genesis Chapter 1
How does this relate to teaching our kids about sex??

3.       Prayers:
    1. That we would marvel and wonder more often at God's creation.
    2. That we would effectively guide our children as parents.
    3. That we would be more thankful for who God has made us to be.

4.                  Calendar
    1. Friday - Casual Dress Day (not Dress Down) - Non-perishable food items
    2. NO SCHOOL – November 24-26
    3. December 17 - Christmas Break begins at the end of a half day  (11:30am dismissal)
    4. MCREST here at Trinity over Christmas Break - volunteers needed (Adele Hartop)
    5. January 3 - Classes resume
    6. NO SCHOOL - January 17 MLK Day

5.                  Future plans / Vision
    1. Lunch tickets and Fast Direct - how's it going?
    2. Detention Policy and other School Handbook changes coming
    3. After school clubs - see me if interested in offering something
    4. Bible Study from 8am-9am was mentioned before - what day works best to offer one??
    5. CEF Stamp Program for kids' future - minimum 3 volunteers needed

6.                  Sex Education discussion

7.                  Events:
    1. Yearbook volunteer needed to help Karen Moore - interested??
    2. Open House/Ice Cream social - I have one volunteer, need 2 more to make it happen
    3. Need volunteers to help Mr. Brown and myself with a Christmas assembly and celebration of St. Nicolaus Tag

8.                  Assessment/Other
    1. Communication patterns and desire to be more effective
      Blogs vs email
      Student responsibility for work vs parents
      emailed Leader each week
    1. School Satisfaction Survey results from last spring
    2. Prayer requests are welcome at any time to myself or a teacher - we are committed to praying for our students and families.
    3. Dress Code thoughts and feedback / Suggestions for next year

9.                  Refreshments for the next Coffee with the Principal – Monday, January 10, 2011
    1. ?
    2. ?
10.              SCRIP and/or CEF Program Questions
11.              Feedback/Comments/Concerns/Ideas etc.

12.              Closing Prayer
13.              Next meeting:
            12 Key Factors of engagement discussion

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Teacher's -let me know if you see this

If you see this, let me know because you'll get a small prize!!!  There is chocolate involved, so don't miss out!!

The Mirror Lies - Every single time!!

The other day, I was asked a few times why my face was so red.  I went to the bathroom to use the mirror to see what I looked like.  Now, let me explain!  I rarely look in the mirror.  I never comb my hair. I brush my teeth without taking a look - just brush, spit, and go.  No makeup, of course. Um, oh yeah, I do use a mirror to shave!!  It's been said, "The mirror never lies."  But I believe otherwise.  When I do look in the mirror at myself, I see things like pimples, a nose, some wrinkles, ears, eyes, hair line, teeth, hair in places I don't want it, etc. etc. etc.  Basically, I can see all kinds of things to critique and wish were better.  It's all a big lie Satan wants us to believe - You are messed up and you always will be.  But that's not true!  God made us, and He did a great job.  Not only that, but God doesn't see blemishes and imperfections because of Christ.  We see ourselves through our own human eyes.  He sees us through His own sight!  God sees the heart as well as the face.  It is only through faith in Christ that we are seen without imperfection.  The mirror will never tell you that truth because it can't see the heart! "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight."  Ephesians 1:4

Family Discussion Points
Share with your spouse or family what you see in the mirror and don't like.
Share at LEAST one thing you do like - don't be too critical.
Discuss why we see so much imperfection.  (It's because we are sinful)
Why is it so comforting that God sees us as holy?  How can he see our heart?

Tetherball and Hot Lunch

Dear Parents,

I have two things to share today.

#1 is that I am in need of 3 volunteers to work with Walt Bul, our facilities manager, to install a new tetherball that we just received for the school through the money received from Box Tops.  Thank you for making this possible for us.  It could be done in an evening or on a Saturday.  Just let the office know if you are willing to help.

#2 is that we are no longer offering discounted prices for lunch tickets or bagel tickets that are purchased in large quantities.  However, we have credited your account initially with the full number of lunches and bagels that you purchased.  (example:  You paid $5.50 for a bagel ticket.  We credited your lunch account with $6 to give you full credit for 6 bagels)

I hope this information is helpful and clear.  Please call us if you need any clarification!  Thanks.