Monday, April 11, 2011

Partners in Parenting, April 11, 2011

Prepare NOW!
Life happens and comes at each of us at an incredible pace.  So much is happening so quickly that it is easy to forget about planning and preparedness.  I know we should have a fire escape plan, but we don't right now.  In essence, we aren't prepared.  We are told to prepare now for our kids college, retirement, emergency expenses, and all kinds of things.  However, it is all too easy to take life as it comes and prepare very little for the future.  In reading the Bible to the students each morning during announcements, I've been sharing Matthew 26 a few verses at a time.  It  has always struck me as odd that Jesus actually told Peter he'd deny him three times (Matthew 26:34), and he did it just a few hours later - after he said he'd never fall away, then said he'd die with Jesus if he had to.  Whoops!  Peter drew his sword and cut off the ear of the servant of the high priest without thinking about what Jesus had just said would happen.  What?  I think Peter's impulsivity and lack of preparedness for the events surrounding Jesus last days caused him to act hastily because he was not prepared to act properly.  Oh, how I can understand that in my own life.
I think it is important to help our children prepare now for how they will respond when difficult events happen.  If we don't, they may respond hastily like Peter did at that time and make some mistakes.  If we do, they may be better equipped to act properly instead of falling into temptation.  Prepare your kids now for things like:  standing up for someone being treated poorly, being honest at all times, rejecting drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc., showing respect to all people, witnessing to those who don't believe, etc.

NOTE:  Kind of funny that I should write about being prepared when I did not adequately plan ahead to have this written prior to today like I should have! 

Family Discussion Points!
Parents, share when you opened your first savings account to be prepared for the future.
Everyone share something you want to buy in the future.  Then, how will you prepare now in order to make that purchase.
Talk about a time or two when you weren't prepared to do the right thing and you acted in haste (this can be as simple as being mean to someone out of anger to much more severe things like personal safety).  You may want to talk to different age kids separately as the issues are very different.

Partners in Parenting, April 4, 2011

What does the future hold?
This past weekend, I had the opportunity to drive around in Chevrolet's new Volt - an electric car.  It was amazing to experience normal acceleration, handling, and overall feel of a car - without the sound of an engine.  It was a incredible experience.  Coincidentally, one of my children asked me on Saturday what kind of computer I had when I was a kid.  Funny question because I didn't.  I remember when my school got an Apple IIe for the school when I was in 5th grade.  One computer for the whole school was a technological breakthrough.  Now, many people carry their computers, planners, phones, etc. in their hand.  Where is all this stuff going for our kids?  What will their world be like?  Who knows?  So what are we to do as parents.  I really believe that the best thing we can do is prepare them for a changing world with a deep relationship with the one thing that will not change - Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ will not change regardless of technological advances or other changes coming our way.  We simply cannot see the future completely unless we look at our eternal future.  That is all that is secure through faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior.  "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8  What does the future hold?  It holds Jesus Christ for all who believe.

Family Discussion Points!
Parents, tell a story to your kids about the first computer experience you ever had.
Kids, share with your parents what you think your life would be like without computers.  Then parents, let them know how different everything would really be for our present life.
Imagine what will happen with computers in the next 5, 10, 20 years.
Will Jesus Christ change in that time?

Partners in Parenting, March 28, 2011

Protect Your Kids!
Last Wednesday, I drove to Cincinnati, Ohio for the Lutheran Education Association Convocation with three of our teachers.  Just about 20 miles north of Cincinnati, it began to rain as we entered into a storm.  I heard a few high pitched sounds on the windshield, and I began to wonder if it was hailing or just raining huge raindrops.  After going a few miles, it became obvious that it was hail.  Then, hail began to fall so hard that you couldn't hear anything inside the van.  It was absolutely deafening!!  I've enclosed a picture of what it looked like in about 20 seconds.  I took the picture in order to have proof of the hail in case there was some kind of damage to the van.  Thankfully, there was not.  Incredible experience!  I thought that evening about how we were protected inside the confines of that van.  I thought about having to stand in that hail storm and absorb the blows from each small piece of hail.  They were small, but the barrage would have been devastating.  I then thought about how parents have to protect their kids from the "barrages" of the culture in which they live.  Parents, do you protect your kids from inappropriate movies, TV shows, music, foods, drinks, and here's a huge one - THOUGHTS.  I know I do a better job of protecting my own children from all those things listed above, but it is the thoughts that infiltrate their mind that I seem to forget.  As parents, let's be vigilant in protecting our kids on all fronts!
Jesus prayed for his disciples protection against the world and Satan that they would be facing in the days ahead in John 17:14, 15:  "I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world.  My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one."  The van protected us on our trip to Cincinnati in a severe storm.  God protects us on our trip through life in the challenges of being His children.  Parents, protect your kids as God protects you.

Family Discussion Points!
Share a time of being in a storm.  Where did you go to seek cover?
Share some things in our culture that are not good for us (certain movies, video games, music, etc.)
Talk about God's protection in our lives through making good choices that are consistent with His word.  Also share His unending love when we make the wrong choices.

Partners in Parenting, March 21, 2011

Be Authentic!
There is a small group of people that my wife works with who are going to dinner together with the purpose of trying different authentic foods from around the world.  I've learned that authentic German food is not quite like the good old potluck at church.  Ethiopian food tasted pretty good, but I would much prefer to eat with silverware than they way to do it with pure authenticity.  It's been fun to experience, but I was just a bit disappointed last week when I went to a Creole restaurant.  I ordered one of my favorite things in the world - jambalaya!  I received my bowl, took a big sniff of the spices, and began to dig in.  Bummer!  It just didn't have any "zip" to it at all.  I love spicy things and especially my favorite dish.  My first thought was, "This isn't authentic Creole food!"  I added habanera sauce to my dish until I had it just right.  Then I enjoyed.  As I consider my initial displeasure with my food, I'm reminded of something so very important.  I expected real jambalaya, and God expects us to be real with Him and others.  As parents, we need to be authentic with God in order to share with Him in prayer our loves, hurts, joys, sorrows, concerns, thanks, and thoughts.  So many times, we don't seem to need God because we have life figured out and things are going good.  What a lie!!  God wants us to humble ourselves and talk to Him plainly.  Our kids need us to do the same thing in being humble and authentic with them.  Jesus thought it was important enough to teach people to see themselves with a humble reality - that's authentic - so He told a short parable.  Read Luke 18:9-14 to learn about the Pharisee and tax collector.

Family Discussion Points!
Have every family member share their favorite meal and its origin (Pizza - Italian, etc.).
Talk about things that can be authentic and fake (jewelry, foods, tattoos, tans, etc.).
Talk about ways to be real, honest, and authentic in prayer instead of just going through the motions or putting on a show like everything is fine.