Monday, January 26, 2015

Partners in Parenting

“Now It’s Personal!”
The students are enjoying the latest Box Top Contest here at school where they earn pretend snowballs to pretend throw at other classes in a big pretend snowball fight.  They are doing this all while raising money for our school by bringing in Box Tops.
Well, last week, Kindergarten decided to throw one at the school office.  I mentioned to the students how I was “going to get them back” in the next few days.  Looking back, maybe I shouldn’t have done that since the office now has a whole bunch of “snowballs” thrown at us by various grades.  I even caught a small group of 1st Grade girls taping snowballs to the office door, and I “chased” them down the hall.  You should have heard the screams of laughter and excitement. 
Thursday, last week, I came back to my office to see that 5th Grade decided to not just involve the office, which includes Mrs. Knopf and Mrs. Howard, but they came right after me alone.  See my office door and the school office door!

This reminded me of how we have a personal God who loves us, forgives us, and promises us eternal life.  He doesn’t just love us.  He loves me.  He doesn’t just want to hear our prayers.  He wants to hear my prayers.  He hasn’t only prepared a place in heaven for Christians.  He has prepared a place in heaven for me.  Remind your kids of God’s love for each of them, but trying to explain that to them is easier if you believe it yourself.  “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  John 3:16   Now, that’s personal!

Family Discussion Points!
Talk about what it means to have a personal conversation instead of a public conversation with a friend.  Talk about how that relates to prayer with God being very personal where you can just talk to him like you are all alone with Him and nobody else.
Discuss your thoughts on God being the God of the world or universe as well as the God of you.  Do you like having a God that is interested in you as a person?  Why or Why not?
Keep saving Box Tops!  We appreciate itJ

Monday, January 12, 2015

Partners in Parenting

I finally got a new coat for winter recently.  I’ve had the same one for almost 20 years, and I knew it was time.  Love the coat, but the frigid cold over the past few weeks revealed something very odd about this coat – it crinkles really loudly when it’s cold.  It is like the whole outer fabric is frozen solid, and I’m breaking it free with every move.  Talk about an odd thing for a winter coat.  Odd things are like idiosyncrasies.
Idiosyncrasies – we all have them.  Every person I know does certain things, in certain ways, at certain times, for certain reasons, to certain people, and usually without certain knowledge that it is even happening.  We all just have these things we do. 
For instance: 
Kids know what parents do when frustrated and about to “take action.”  Just ask them.  So what is it:  grunt, sigh, get quiet, flubber your lips, grit your teeth, roll your eyes, raise your eyebrows, stiffen your shoulders, and lots of other things unique to each person? 
Kids know when their parent is about to give them a hug.  They walk a certain way, extend arms, wipe hands off, or some other indicator that they are going to hug you.  Parents also know when their kids are coming to get a hug or give a hug.  Over time, you just learn these things.
It is good that we are all different and yet function well together.  Paul talked about that in the early church as a very valuable asset to the believers.  Idiosyncrasies are also very valuable to your family life.  “…so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”  Romans 12:5

Family Discussion Points!
Talk about the cool, neat, or enjoyable idiosyncrasies of others in your family.
Play this game:  Who in your family is the most: organized, happy, relaxed, responsible, hard-working, joking, considerate, empathetic to the needs of others, helpful without being asked, likely to sleep in, determined to overcome, etc.

Now think about your pets, grandparents, or other people you generally love and see if you can identify some of their idiosyncrasies that make them, well…just them!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Partners in Parenting

“Plans are only plans.  Reality is what counts!”
As the principal, I get to review all the teachers’ lesson plans each week.  They hand them in on Monday, and I make sure I go through them by the end of the day Monday.  I enjoy seeing all the great things the teachers are doing with their kids.  The projects, Bible stories, literature, writing assignments, art, math, etc. are interesting for me to see.  However, I have to admit that there is one teacher’s plans that I like better than any other.  Oh, don’t get me wrong, I like them all, but one set of plans makes me laugh out loud every time – because I have NO IDEA WHAT THEY MEAN!  Can you guess what teacher??  See below for the answer.
The last time I looked at these plans, I was reminded of how these plans really mean nothing to me because I can’t read very much of them.  What matters to me is the reality of what is happening in that classroom – and it is awesome.  I think I’m confused looking at lesson plans, but I get really confused seeing the lesson plans in action because not only can I not understand the teacher…I can’t understand the students.  With that being the case, I know it must be good stuff happening.
I’m also reminded of how our kids look forward to things.  Planning a trip is fun, but actually going on the trip is what counts.  Planning to play a family game tomorrow night is a great idea, but actually playing a game together is what really counts.  Planning becomes meaningless if it isn’t followed by reality!
Jesus tells a short parable of two sons in Matthew 21:28-32.  Both sons make a plan regarding their father’s request, but only one follows his father’s request and works in the vineyard.  Jesus is clearly sharing with the Pharisees that there is a huge distinction between planning to follow God and actually following God.  It took some lesson plans to remind me of that truth!

Family Discussion Points!
Talk about a time when you planned to do something as a family, and for some reason it didn’t happen.  How did that feel?
Talk about the Bible passage in Matthew 21, and what it means to plan to obey your parents and actually obey your parents.
Can you guess without looking below whose lesson plans I’m referring to above?  If not, see the end of this section.

Mrs. Anne Phillips – Spanish