Monday, November 21, 2011

Partners in Parenting

Thankfulness for what you DON'T HAVE!

This week, we'll celebrate thanksgiving.  Many people will pause to thank God for what they have!  That is a great thing to do.  However, I think it would be great to also consider the things you DON'T HAVE for which you can be thankful.  Can you be thankful that you don't have:

  • too little food to feed your family
  • a serious disease like cancer or something else
  • to sleep in your car or outside due to homelessness
  • a lack of heat in the cold months
  • a lack of medical care to keep you healthy
  • nobody to call a friend
  • to live in a country without the freedom you enjoy
  • to fear persecution or death for being a Christian

And the list could go on and on.  Now, there is no guarantee that some of those things I've listed don't apply to some people reading this, but my purpose is to just help you think of things you DON'T HAVE as you give thanks this year.  Talk about it as a family!  Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Partners in Parenting

A Giving Attitude!
On Thursday last week, a grandparent of one of our students shared a wonderful story with me.  She was in the lobby waiting to pick up her grandchild, and she observed the bake sale happening.  A first grade student purchased some "goodies" for herself.  Then, she noticed this grandparent watching the bake sale, and asked her, "Do you need some money to buy something?  I have some left.  You can have it."  The grandparent declined the money, but she was floored by the generosity of such a young child.  I'm so thankful she shared the story with me because it made me remember to have a giving attitude in all things in life.  Giving my family more of my time...  Giving my time to help others...  Giving my money to help those in need...  Giving my abilities to serve others in some way...  Giving my love from Christ to those in need of His and my love... Giving when I see a need I can and want to meet...  Giving, Giving, Giving.  God has put all of us on this planet of His to do much more than breathe His air.  We are here to give ourselves and all that He has given us to love and support others.  What does that look like in your family?  I'm not sure, but you can talk about it today.  How can you give to someone else from what God has given you?  The book of Acts reminds us of Jesus' words about a giving attitude.  Acts 20:35b "...remembering the words of Jesus himself, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"

Family Discussion Points!

Name some things God has given your family that you can share with others - don't forget to mention His love.  We can all share love!

Everyone tell your family members about a gift you got that was very special.

Discuss ways to give individually or as a family to others around you - think simple things like kind words, raking leaves, doing dishes or laundry, etc. as well as a special project you may come up with.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Partners in Parenting

Timid with Fear!

I had the privilege of coaching a girls’ team for the first time in all the years I've been coaching basketball.  The 5th and 6th graders had practiced well during the past two weeks.  They had worked hard, listened intently to instructions, and dedicated themselves to improving.  They had done everything right, BUT this was a real game!  They were scared stiff.  In the locker room before the game, I went through the game plan to try to calm their nerves, but I asked one fatal question:  "Ladies, any questions?"  They all started asking tons of questions.  So I decided it was best to just pray together and begin to warm up.  I find it somewhat comical how nervous they were, but I also felt very bad for them.  They had become so afraid of the unknown with this first game of the year that they became more concerned about not messing up than about giving it their best try.  The game went well, and we went on to win.  However, some girls had to be convinced to go into the game.  They were timid with fear.  After the game, the words of 2 Timothy 1:7 came to mind.  Paul wrote this to Timothy to encourage him to be faithful in witnessing about Jesus Christ, but I find the words so fitting for the girls:  "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline."  God has blessed each of us with His Spirit, alive in us, to give us power in the face of real life.  It is a lesson I hope to teach the basketball team, but it is a lesson every Christian needs to remember as they live out their faith.

Family Discussion Points!

Everyone share times when you've been really nervous.

Talk about how the Holy Spirit in us gives us power when we are afraid.  With Him, we have the power to overcome our fears.

Share with each other any sports moment in your life that is a favorite.  Were the athletes timid with fear or full of power?