Monday, April 11, 2011

Partners in Parenting, April 11, 2011

Prepare NOW!
Life happens and comes at each of us at an incredible pace.  So much is happening so quickly that it is easy to forget about planning and preparedness.  I know we should have a fire escape plan, but we don't right now.  In essence, we aren't prepared.  We are told to prepare now for our kids college, retirement, emergency expenses, and all kinds of things.  However, it is all too easy to take life as it comes and prepare very little for the future.  In reading the Bible to the students each morning during announcements, I've been sharing Matthew 26 a few verses at a time.  It  has always struck me as odd that Jesus actually told Peter he'd deny him three times (Matthew 26:34), and he did it just a few hours later - after he said he'd never fall away, then said he'd die with Jesus if he had to.  Whoops!  Peter drew his sword and cut off the ear of the servant of the high priest without thinking about what Jesus had just said would happen.  What?  I think Peter's impulsivity and lack of preparedness for the events surrounding Jesus last days caused him to act hastily because he was not prepared to act properly.  Oh, how I can understand that in my own life.
I think it is important to help our children prepare now for how they will respond when difficult events happen.  If we don't, they may respond hastily like Peter did at that time and make some mistakes.  If we do, they may be better equipped to act properly instead of falling into temptation.  Prepare your kids now for things like:  standing up for someone being treated poorly, being honest at all times, rejecting drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc., showing respect to all people, witnessing to those who don't believe, etc.

NOTE:  Kind of funny that I should write about being prepared when I did not adequately plan ahead to have this written prior to today like I should have! 

Family Discussion Points!
Parents, share when you opened your first savings account to be prepared for the future.
Everyone share something you want to buy in the future.  Then, how will you prepare now in order to make that purchase.
Talk about a time or two when you weren't prepared to do the right thing and you acted in haste (this can be as simple as being mean to someone out of anger to much more severe things like personal safety).  You may want to talk to different age kids separately as the issues are very different.

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