Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Partners in Parenting

“Turmoil and Peace!”
As Thanksgiving and Christmas are upon us, I’d love to think that everyone is going to experience an abundance of joy, peace, calm, blessedness, good cheer, and things like that.  However, I know the realities of life that can bring as much turmoil as happiness in times like the “holiday season.”  Turmoil is defined as “a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty.”  The families I know don’t like turmoil, but most families never talk about the things that cause turmoil.  In fact, just talking about it might create more turmoil than families are willing to welcome into their lives. Turmoil is NOT caused by Thanksgiving or Christmas.  It is not caused by stressful lives or busyness.  It is not caused by events or circumstances.  Turmoil is caused by our own sinfulness allowing any kind of situation to get our heart and mind focused on the situation instead of Jesus Christ! 
The opposite of turmoil is peace.  True peace is only found in one person – Jesus.  In the Old Testament, Micah prophesied about Jesus being born in Micah Chapter 5.  As he writes about the coming Savior from Bethlehem, Micah writes, “And he [Jesus] will be their peace.”  Micah 5:5
Personally and in a family, turmoil is part of our existence due to sin, but personally and in a family, peace is part of our existence due to all that Jesus has done for us on the cross.  Enjoy your holiday time coming up and find peace as often as you can – and that means finding Jesus as often as you can.

Family Discussion Points!
What holiday events cause turmoil in your family?  Can they be avoided?  If not, can they be controlled to allow Jesus (and thus peace) to be evident?
Talk about the emotions of situations that create turmoil.  How does it feel?
Peace is different.  How?  Who does it come from?

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