Monday, March 19, 2012

Partners in Parenting

Looking for a Sign from God!

I've heard people say before, "I wish God would just give me a sign, so I would know for sure."  You've probably said it or heard it yourself.  I had the opportunity last week to actually watch people look for a sign from God.  I don't know if they realized it or not, but they were definitely searching for one.  It was Thursday about 2:00pm, and I was driving toward school when the sun burst forth from the clouds while it continued to rain.  I saw a lady out on her front porch searching the sky for a rainbow.  I turned left at the next street, and about a quarter mile down, there was a man standing in the middle of his driveway getting soaked by the rain as he searched for the rainbow that the rain and sun must have produced - but where?  I kept driving, but I too was looking for a rainbow.  I don't know about them, but I never saw one.  The point is, we were all looking for a sign from God - a rainbow.  I then thought about how the clouds, grass, trees, wild animals, fish, birds, sunsets, sunrises, water, mountains, and I could continue on, are all signs from God.  They are signs of His power and design for the world in which we live.

So I decided to look at the account of the Flood to reread about God showing Noah the rainbow to promise him that he'd never destroy the earth again with a flood.  Much to my surprise, here's what I found:  "And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come.  I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth."  Genesis 9:12, 13

The rainbow is not just for us as humans, but for "every living creature" and the "earth."  As spring and summer get ever closer, hopefully we'll see a rainbow and remember that:

1.  It is God's rainbow.

2.  It is God's covenant with us.

3.  The covenant is for us, every living creature, and the entire earth.

May we all not just look for rainbows, but God's signs all around us that are in His creation, that remind us of Him who made it all.

Family Discussion Points!

Try to remember a time and place where you saw a rainbow.  Are you surprised that you remember some of those times?  Rainbows are that special to see!

Have every family member think of at least two things that remind them of God in nature.

Discuss God's creation every day this week so everyone grows in their awareness of God's signs all around us.

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